Everybody we love and everything we care about in this world
eventually fades away. We can't rely on anything lasting and though we may rely
on people we can't expect them to be there indefinitely.
Eventually we have to come to terms with the fact that we
entered this world alone and one day we will leave it in the same state. All
the worldly possessions we have accumulated, hoarded and treasured, will endure
while we will perish. Everything we have worked hard to achieve will wither
away and eventually, nothing will remain. Maybe someday down the line someone
will Google your name and your Facebook or Twitter page might pop up, but apart
from that we will leave nothing that can endure time.
The people we meet may seem important right now. We may give
them all our attention and time but there will come a time when they will leave
you or you will choose to leave them. The space they occupied within your life
will be empty for a while and you will mourn their absence. Give it a week or
two and slowly their memory will fade until the empty space just a few
millimetres left to your right atrium becomes occupied by some other worry. Just
like worldly possessions, we won't be able to take any of the people with us
when we leave and so essentially we find ourselves alone.
I'm reminded of a poem I was exposed to in high school –
Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley. The profound words of wisdom contained
within its stanzas were of little consequence to me back then. A specific
extract in particular always finds itself floating around in my mind. Now, as I
reread words I am struck by just how true they are.
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.'
I know that this is a very cynical view. It is actually very morbid and depressing and most likely you are probably feeling quite hopeless. I wish I could ease your mind but I cannot. The fact of the matter is that no one really cares about you but yourself. People will enter your life but how many will remain? How many truly want to be there and how many will fight to be a part of your life despite everything? I doubt there are many, if any.
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