Monday, 22 July 2013


The effect of this single act of smiling is magical. It can transform an entire visage into one of merriment and joy. It lessens the burden of the soul and above all it is contagious.

Walking down the street on a gloomy day surrounded by people in dreary moods can really put a damper on the start to a could-be-wonderful day. Yet out of the clouds threatening to pour rain, arrives this simple person bearing the broadest smile upon their face and suddenly your entire day is transformed.

Smiling is a charity. It brings happiness to everyone who happens to glance at it. Some smile at the pure ridiculousness of it while others can’t explain why seeing others happy makes them feel likewise. It is like watching a group of kids play together in a sandbox. Their carefree spirit and obvious pleasure fills the onlooker with joy. Why?

The answer is simple, happiness is contagious. It is something that we overflow with to the point that we begin to fill the empty vessels around us with the same emotion. This is why happiness can only be described as a gift and the ultimate way to share it is through smiling at strangers, offering a greeting or lending a hand to someone. Without even realising it you could change the entire dynamic of a person’s day.

Our reasons for smiling are endless. Many of us are blessed with amazing friends or lovers who have the ability to bring a smile on your face no matter the time and place. To be blessed with such individuals is something unexplainable. They can turn your entire mood around simply by being in your presence and should they be absent even for a day, their absence is felt far above everything else.

Yet, having people in your life isn’t the only reason to smile. Realising that every day that we wake up alive should be enough to make any person smile. Every night as we fall asleep we can never be too sure if we will wake up again. When we do open our eyes to the light of a new day we should not hesitate to smile at this new opportunity to live. We have families, homes, education and so much more that we should never run out of reasons to smile.

If all else fails and you are stuck as to what on earth to do when all you can do is frown… Google some lame joke and I guarantee you will be far from sad.

On that note I leave you with something that not only made me smile, but had me laughing for hours on end. There are always reasons to smile.

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